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Summary of the procedure

Institutions involved 7 expand_more expand_less

Office of the Prime Minister (x 2)
Office of the Prime Minister
Ministry of Finance and Economic Development
Shipping Agent (x 2)
Customs Broker
Ministry of Finance and Economic Development - Tuvalu Revenue and Customs Department (x 3)
Ministry of Finance and Economic Development - Tuvalu Revenue and Customs Department
Ministry of Transport, Energy & Tourism
Ministry of Transport, Energy & Tourism
Ministry of Transport, Energy and Tourism - Port Office (x 2)

Results 0 expand_more expand_less


Required Documents expand_more expand_less

Application letter for operation license
Application letter for operation license
Business operational licence (BOL) (x 2)
Police Report
Cash receipt - Tuvalu Goverment
Customs Declaration
Bill of Lading (Fiji - Funafuti) (x 3)
Freight Invoice (x 2)
Commercial Invoice
Liquor License Certificate
Customs Declaration
Cargo released (seaport)
Phytosanitary Certificate (From Government of Tuvalu-Quarantine Department)
Cash receipt (Port office fee)
Custom Release Form
Custom Release Form
Released cargo (seaport)

Estimated cost AUD  50

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AUD expand_more expand_less
  • AUD Add Name Here
AUD 50

Total Duration 2 d - 28 d expand_more expand_less

  min max
Total time (sum): 2 d 28 d
of which:
Waiting time in queue (sum): 1h. 10mn 2h. 25mn
Attention at counter: 1h. 2h. 10mn
Waiting time until next step (sum): 2 d 27 d

Laws 5 expand_more expand_less

Alcohol Drink Act Alcoholic Drink Act, 1984
Customs Revenue and Border Protection Act, 2014 Customs Revenue and Border Protection Act, 2014
Harbours Act, 1957 Harbours Act, 1957
Harbours Regulations, 1958 Harbours Regulations, 1958
Wharfage, Harbour Dues, and Port Charges Regulations 2015 Wharfage, Harbour Dues, and Port Charges Regulations, 2015
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