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Steps (5) arrow_drop_up arrow_drop_down
Application for a business registration certificate  (3) expand_more expand_less
Application for a operation license  (2) expand_more expand_less

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Summary of the procedure

Institutions involved 2 expand_more expand_less

Ministry of Finance and Economic Development (x 3)
Funafuti Town Council Office (x 2)

Results 4 expand_more expand_less

Certificate of Registration (Business licence)
Letter of approval
General receipt - license fee
Business operational licence (BOL)

Required Documents expand_more expand_less

Application letter for operation license
Application letter for operation license
Certificate of Registration (Business licence)
Letter of approval
Business Registration Form
Business Registration Form

Estimated cost AUD  100

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AUD expand_more expand_less
  • AUD Add Name Here
AUD 100
Business Registration Fee
For Sole Trader - No Business Registration Fee

Total Duration 1 d - 13 d expand_more expand_less

  min max
Total time (sum): 1 d 13 d
of which:
Waiting time in queue (sum): 0mn 30mn
Attention at counter: 10mn 35mn
Waiting time until next step (sum): 1 d 12 d

Laws 6 expand_more expand_less

Companies Act Companies Act, 1992
  Section  237
Companies and Business Registration Act 2008 Companies and Business Registration Act, 1978
  Article 3
Companies and Business Registration Fees Regulations 2008 Companies and Business Registration Regulations, 1981
licen Falekaupule Act, 1999
  articles 11.b, 58.1.c.xiii
Foreign Direct Invest Act Foreign Direct Investment Act, 1996
Licences Act Amendment Order 2010 Licences Act Amendment Order, 2010
  articles 3, Schedule 1 +2
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