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Access to Funds for Small Business Entities
(last modified: 08/04/2021)


( see details )

Timeframe ( see details )

Waiting time until next step

Free of charge
15 mn  -  35 mn
10 days  -  15 days

Contact details

Entity in charge

Tuvalu National Council of Women

Vaiaku , Funafuti
Tel: 688 20 852 / 688 20 643

Unit in charge

Office of women's association

Person in charge

Pulafaga Toafa


Expected results

Receipt Issued upon repayment of loan Receipt Issued upon repayment of loan


1. Requirements_Information
Requirements_Information (original)

Cost Free

There is no fee charge to applicants

Time frame

Once an application is submitted for a credit scheme the application is received by the Coordinator of the TNCW and is reviewed by the Executive Council and the eight island community representatives. Once reviewed then a collective decision is made on approval or not which will be relayed to the applicant. The Executive Council meets twice a month.
Waiting time in queue: min   10mn - max  20mn
Attention at counter: min   5mn - max   15mn
Waiting time until next step: min   10 days - max   15 days

Additional information

The Tuvalu National Council of Woman offers trainings in accounting entrepreneurship, sewing, handicrafts and access to credit. This initiative was initiated in 2001 allowing only women who actively participated in island community’s activities and as members as well to loan. The scheme went on well from the beginning and unfortunately women gradually failed to pay up their loans. Thus at the moment the credit scheme is still on hold until further notice,
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